Can I Really Make Money Blogging?

7:46 PM 1 Comments

Making Money on Blogging

Money blogging is a new alternative path for earning a living. Setting up a blog is easier but to make it successful requires establishing the blog. Yes one can make money blogging if they follow the required rules!

•    To establish your blog you need to be passionate about the subject, you should have decent writing skills and must concentrate towards your work. To become a professional blogger, there are two approaches to a professional blogger. First is either you could be an employed blogger that is working in an established company or you should start your own blog. Working as an employed professional blogger in an established company is much easier than starting your own blog from ground level. An employed blogger who will work in an established company can earn enough money right from the starting.

•    Setting up and starting up your own blog will take a lot of work and enough time. Moreover, there will be no guarantee that your blog will make money. There are many such bloggers who don't even make enough living help themselves with their blog while others have made hundreds or thousands of dollars by writing their blog. Writing one post daily will help you in making good income and will save your time.

Five Basic Steps to Make Money Blogging

1.      Establish Your Home Base

If you want to earn a living by blogging then you will have to start a blog.

2.      Produce Valuable Content

Once you start your blog, you need to write and draw with your own expertise and experience. Make it clear that the content which you are writing and should be informative.

3.      Build Relationships

While creating your content, start interacting and make genuine and sincere relationships via social media by commenting on the blogs of others.

4.      Grow Your Platform

Seek more information so that the content which you write gets more knowledgeable and helpful for the readers.

5.      Choose And Implement Streams Of Income

Your content alone will not make money instead you will have to get advertisers, sell service like consulting or speaking to make income.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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