How to Promote Affiliate Products on Your Blog?

Earning through Affiliate Marketing

As we have already discussed, affiliate marketing is one thing that can provide you with appreciable income if done properly. Affiliate marketing is basically concerned with promoting products for a particular affiliate marketing program. The program then chooses to pay you in return. If you too have recently joined an affiliate marketing program and are not sure how to exactly promote the products on your blog, we have got you covered here.

Promoting Affiliate Products on Your Blog

1.       Powerful Content

Content needs to be powerful undoubtedly. There is nothing that could beat the power of well-researched review post. Introduce your product to the readers in such a way that it gives them a reason to buy it.

2.       Write Honest

Do not oversell things and claim something which is not provided by the product. Always discuss both the points – the upsides and the downsides. Include the product images and talk about all odd and even things you know about the product.

3.       Personalize the Article

Write the review in first person preferably as people are particularly looking for personal experiences of the people. This brings them into confidence.

4.       Choose Products Carefully

The product that you have chosen to promote on your blog should be chosen wisely. Choose the product you would like to buy yourself and then think of the ‘why’?

5.       Include Star Ratings in Search Engines

Search engines now provide star ratings to reviews. This could help you improving the CTR. author review plugin can be added to add star ratings to your post.

6.       Include Links to The Product

The second way is to do a smart blog post promotion. Supposing, you wrote a blog post about cookware – its working and how to take its care. You may then write a line at the end saying that ‘I highly prefer this cookware” and then insert the link to the product that you want to promote.

These are some of the many ways that you could adopt for promoting your affiliate products. Let us know your views on these.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.